Moblin is an open source project that supports Linux-based software platform and is optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including netbooks, mobile Internet devices (MIDs), in-vehicle infotainment systems, and other embedded devices.
Moblin developed specially for Intel Atom based Netbook. The User Interface (UI) has been designed to fit into Netbook’s small screen which usually in the range of 8 – 11 inch. Moblin is based on Linux which started to be considered by Netbook vendor as the OS of choice who require more attractive margin and customization.
Moblin’s User Interface (UI) called MyZone giving the user a snapshot of their activity, update of user’s social networking and recently visited websites. MyZone can be customized to fit with user’s preference by changing its background, color, fonts and favorite applications.

Moblin MyZone

MyZone is divided into 3 sections
On top of MyZone there is the Toolbar containing panels which basically a shortcut to do tasks such as updating Twitter, chatting, browsing, play music and video, manage and run application.

Internet Toolbar
Moblin 2.0 version features the Moblin Garage and Moblin Application Installer which allow user to browse for applications and install it at ease.

Moblin Garage allow user to browse applications and install it
Moblin has been tested on several Netbooks including: Acer AspireOne; Asus eeePC 901, 1005ha; 1008ha; Dell Mini 9, 10, and 10v; MSI Wind; Toshiba NB205-XX; and Samsung NC10.
Currently the Moblin team is starting to develop the next version, Moblin 2.1. From Moblin’s community blog the developer posts:
Moblin v2.1 will be an incremental release over Moblin v2.0 and is the next release stream for adding new features and developments. Moblin v2.1 will be used as the base for future new user experience support for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), in-vehicle infotainment (IVI), and embedded devices, such as media phones. The release target for Moblin v2.1 for netbooks and nettops is expected to release to the community in Q4 2009. The Moblin v2.1 release for netbooks and nettops will include many community and customer requested enhancements; for example, support for additional nettop screen resolutions, myzone improvements, IM improvements, better language support, updated kernel, Moblin Garage, Moblin Application Installer, 3G data support, and Bluetooth. The Moblin v2.1 release timing for other user experiences, such as MID, IVI and embedded devices, will align with the availability and release of those hardware platforms.
Visit Moblin website: