Tag Archives: desktop

Minimum Install VNC Remote Desktop Server on Centos

On this tutorial we are going to install VNC server on a Centos 5.6 Linux VPS. The objective is to install minimum packages to save disk space and keep the package installation minimum.

To install VNC server and Gnome desktop, run this command:

yum install vnc-server gnome-desktop xorg-x11-xinit xterm gnome-applets gnome-session gnome-themes gnome-panel gdm firefox dbus-x11

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Installing VNC Remote Desktop on Centos VPS

In this tutorial we’ll install Gnome desktop and VNC server on Linux Centos Virtual Private Server (VPS). You need to install Gnome as the desktop for Linux VPS, this way you’ll get Graphical User Interface to manage your VPS or just use it as remote desktop. The VNC server is the remote control software that allows you to connect to the VPS Desktop.

1. Install Gnome Desktop, VNC Server and Xterm.

yum groupinstall gnome-desktop
yum install vnc-server xterm

It will take some time to install the Gnome Desktop as it quite big packages.

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